- Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2016), De Verzorgingsstaat (The Welfare State), Amsterdam University Press, series Elementaire Deeltjes.
- Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2014), Comparative Welfare State Politics: Development, Opportunities, and Reform. Cambridge University Press.
- Our book Comparative Welfare State Politics: Development, Opportunities, and Reform has been translated into Korean by Press of Sharing House (2017).
- Vis, Barbara (2010), Politics of Risk-Taking: Welfare State Reform in Advanced Democracies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
You can find reviews of my book here, incl. a recently published one by Marek Naczyk in Czech Sociological Review.
- Vis, Barbara (2008), Biting the Bullet or Steering Clear? Politics of (Not-) Unpopular Welfare State Reform in Advanced Capitalist Democracies. Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam. Enschede: PrintPartners Ipskamp.
Edited Volumes
- [NEW] Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, Jensen, Carsten, & Vis, Barbara (2023). No Normal Science: Festschrift for Kees van Kersbergen. Politica. The book is available open access here.
- Redlawsk, David R., Cengiz Erisen, Erin Hennes, Zoe Oxley, Darren Schreiber &
Barbara Vis (eds.) (2021), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Political Decision Making (2-volumes). Oxford University Press.
- Andeweg, Rudy & Barbara Vis (2015) (eds.), Politicologie in Nederland: Van Politisering naar Professionalisering (Political Science in the Netherlands: From Politics to Professionalism), Oudewater: NKWP.
Journal articles & contributions to books
- [NEW] Vis, Barbara (2024), ‘Introducing a Conceptual Map of Political Elites’ Responses to Different Types of Uncertain Phenomena’, Political Studies Review. Doi: 10.1177/1478929923122284. The article is available here (open access).
- [NEW] Petrovics, Daniel, Dave Huitema, Mendel Giezen & Barbara Vis (2024), ‘Scaling Mechanisms of Energy Communities: A Comparison of 28 Initiatives’, Global Environmental Change, 102780. Doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102780. The article is available here (open access).
- [NEW] Goerlich, Clara & Barbara Vis (2024), ‘How is Working Time Reduction Being Promoted in Germany, Ireland, and Spain? An Analysis of Actors, Motives, Forms, and Approaches’, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 26(2), 159-177. Doi: 10.1080/13876988.2024.2332437. The article is available here (open access).
- [NEW] Van Hooren, Franca & Barbara Vis (2024), ‘The Evolving Dutch Welfare State’, in Sarah de Lange, Tom Louwerse, Paul ’t Hart & Carolien van Ham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Dutch Politics (pp. 74-88). Oxford University Press.
- [NEW] Kevins, Anthony & Barbara Vis (2024), ‘Blame, Public Consultations, and the Impact of Gender’, in Gergana Dimova, Matthew Flinders, Markus Hinterleitner, R. A. W. Rhodes & Kent Weaver (eds.), The Politics and Governance of Blame (pp. 704-738). Oxford University Press.
- Green-Pedersen, Christoffer, & Barbara Vis (2023). Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: Stability and change in the Dutch party system and its effect on the politics of problem solving. In Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Carsten Jensen & Barbara Vis (Eds.), No Normal Science: Festschrift for Kees van Kersbergen (pp. 58-70). Politica. The book chapter is available open access here.
- Butler, Chris & Barbara Vis (2023), ‘Heuristics and Policy Responsiveness: A Research Agenda’, European Political Science, 22(2), 202–227. Doi: 10.1057/s41304-022-00394-6. The article is available here.
- Kevins, Anthony & Barbara Vis (2023), ‘Do Public Consultations Reduce Blame Attribution? The Impact of Consultation Characteristics, Gender, and Gender Attitudes’, Political Behavior, 45(3), 1121–1142. Doi: 10.1007/s11109-021-09751-5 (Open Access).
- Pagliarin, Sofia, Salvatore La Mendola & Barbara Vis (2023), ‘The “Qualitative” in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Research Moves, Case-Intimacy and Face-to-Face Interviews’, Quality & Quantity, 57(1), 489–507, doi: The article is available here (open access).
- Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2022), ‘Government Responses to Social Acceleration: Solving the Dilemma for Democratic Problem Solving in Denmark and the Netherlands?’, accepted for publication in Government Information Quarterly. The article is available here (open access).
- A blog (in Dutch) is available here.
- Vis, Barbara & Sjoerd Stolwijk (2022), ‘In “A League of Their Own?” Judgment and Decision Making By Politicians and Non-politicians’, in: Ashley Weinberg (ed.), ‘Psychology of Democracy’, Cambridge University Press, pp. 124-145.
- Dul, Jan, Barbara Vis & Gary Goertz (2021), ‘Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) Does Exactly What It Should Do When Applied Properly: A Reply to a Comment on NCA’, Sociological Methods & Research, 50(2): 926-993 (editor reviewed).
- Stolwijk, Sjoerd & Barbara Vis (2021), ‘Politicians, the Representativeness Heuristic and Decision-Making Biases’, Political Behavior, 43(4): 1411–1432. The article is available here (open access).
- Pre-print article [ungated].
- Replication data.
- A blog (in English) is available here.
- A blog (in Dutch) is available here.
- [book review] Barbara Vis (2021). Commissioned Book Review: Carsten Jensen and Georg Wenzelburger, Reforming the Welfare State. Political Studies Review (OnlineFirst) The book review is available here (open access). Doi: 10.1177/14789299211052908.
- Vis, Barbara & Sjoerd Stolwijk (2021), ‘Conducting Quantitative Studies with the Participation of Political Elites: Best Practices for Designing the Study and Soliciting the Participation of Political Elites’, Quality & Quantity, 55(4): 1281-1317. Doi: 10.1007/s11135-020-01052-z (Open Access). The article is available here.
- Verweij, Stefan & Barbara Vis (2021), ‘Three Strategies to Track Configurations over Time with Qualitative Comparative Analysis’, European Political Science Review, 13(1):95-111. Doi: 10.1017/S1755773920000375 (Open Access). The article is available here.
- Jacobs, Alan M., Tim Buthe, Ana M. Arjona, Leonardo R. Arriola, Eva Bellin, Andrew Bennett, Lisa Björkman, Erik Bleich, Zachary Elkins, Tasha Fairfield, Nikhar Gaikwad, Sheena Greitens, Mary Hawkesworth, Veronica Herrera, Yoshiko M. Herrera, Kimberly S. Johnson, Ekrem Karakoç, Kendra Koivu, Marcus Kreuzer, Milli Lake, Timothy W. Luke, Lauren Morris MacLean, Samantha Majic, Rahsaan Maxwell, Zachariah Mampilly, Robert Mickey, Kimberly J. Morgan, Sarah Parkinson, Craig Parsons, Wendy Pearlman, Mark A. Pollack, Elliot Posner, Rachel Riedl, Edward Schatz, Carsten Schneider, Jillian M. Schwedler, Anastasia Shesterinina, Erica Simmons, Diane Singerman, Hillel David Soifer, Nichloas Smith, Scott Spitzer, Jonas Tallberg, Susan Thomson, Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo, Barbara Vis, Lisa Wedeen, Juliet Williams, Elisabeth Jean Wood, Deborah Yashar (2021), ‘Transparency in Qualitative Research: An Overview of Key Findings and Implications of the Deliberations’, Perspectives on Politics, 19(1): 171-208. Doi: (Reflection).
- Pre-print article [ungated]
- Vieider, Ferdinand & Barbara Vis (2020), ‘Prospect Theory and Political Decision Making’, in: David P. Redlawsk, Cengiz Erisen, Erin Hennes, Zoe Oxley, Darren Schreiber & Barbara Vis (eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Political Decision Making. Doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.979. The article is available here.
- Brugman, Britta, Christian Burgers & Barbara Vis (2019), ‘Metaphorical Framing in Political Discourse through Words vs. Concepts: A Meta-Analysis’, Language and Cognition, 11(1): 41-65. (Open access)
- Replication material.
- A blog (in Dutch) on this article is available at StukRoodVlees.
- De Block, Debora & Barbara Vis (2019), ‘Addressing the Challenges Related to Transforming Qualitative into Quantitative Data in Qualitative Comparative Analysis’, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13(4): 503-535 (Open access).
- Vis, Barbara (2019), ‘Heuristics and Political Elites’ Judgment and Decision Making’, Political Studies Review, 17(1): 41-52 (Open access).
- Vis, Barbara & Jan Dul (2018), ‘Analyzing Relationships of Necessity Not Just In Kind But Also In Degree: Complementing fsQCA with NCA’, Sociological Methods and Research, 47(4): 872-899 (Open access).
- Van der Velden, Mariken, Gijs Schumacher & Barbara Vis (2018), ‘Living in the Past or Living in the Future? Analyzing Parties’ Platform Change In-between Elections, The Netherlands 1997 – 2014′, Political Communication, 35(3): 393-412.
- Vis, Barbara & Dieuwertje Kuijpers (2018), ‘Prospect Theory and Foreign Policy Decision-making: Underexposed Issues, Advancements, and Ways Forward’, Contemporary Security Policy, 39(4): 575-589 (Open access).
- Linde, Jona & Barbara Vis (2017), ‘Do Politicians Take Risky Decisions Like the Rest of Us? An Experimental Test of Prospect Theory under MPs’, Political Psychology, 38(1): 101-117 (Open access).
- Vis, Barbara (2016). ‘Taking Stock of the Comparative Literature on the Role of Blame Avoidance Strategies in Social Policy
Reform’, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 18(2): 122-137. Pre-print article [ungated]
- Schumacher, Gijs, Marc van der Wardt, Barbara Vis & Michael Baggesen Klitgaard (2015), ‘How aspiration to office conditions the impact of government participation on party platform change’, American Journal of Political Science, 59(4): 1040-1054.
- Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2015). ‘Three Worlds’ Typology: Moving Beyond Normal Science?’, Journal of European Social Policy, 25(1): 111-123.
- Van Kersbergen, Kees, Barbara Vis & Anton Hemerijck (2014), ‘The Great Recession and Welfare State Reform: Is Retrenchment Really the Only Game Left in Town?’, Social Policy & Administration, 48(7): 883-904.
- Vis, Barbara & Kees van Kersbergen (2013), ‘Towards an Open Functional Approach to Welfare State Change: Pressures, Ideas, and Blame Avoidance’, Public Administration 91(4): 840-854.
- Vis, Barbara & Tom Hylands (2013), ‘Fat Government, Thin Populace? Is the Growth of Obesity Prevalence Lower in More Generous Welfare States?’, International Journal of Social Welfare, 22(4): 360-373.
- Schumacher, Gijs, Catherine de Vries & Barbara Vis (2013), ‘Why Do Parties Change Position? Party Organization & Environmental Incentives’, The Journal of Politics, 75(2): 464-477.
- Vis, Barbara, Jaap Woldendorp & Hans Keman (2013), ‘Examining Variation in Economic Performance Using Fuzzy-Sets’, Quality & Quantity, 47(4): 1971-1989.
- Hollanders, David & Barbara Vis (2013), ‘Voters’ Commitment Problem and the Timing of Welfare-Program Reforms’, Public Choice, 155(3-4): 433-448 (open access).
- Schumacher, Gijs, Barbara Vis & Kees van Kersbergen (2013), ‘Political Parties’ Welfare Image, Electoral Punishment and Welfare State Retrenchment’, Comparative European Politics, 11(1): 1-21.
- Schumacher, Gijs & Barbara Vis (2012), ‘When Do Social Democrats Retrench the Welfare State?’, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 15(3): 1-12.
- Vis, Barbara (2012), ‘The Comparative Advantages of fsQCA and Regression Analysis for Moderately Large-N Analyses’, Sociological Methods and Research, 41(1): 168-198.
- Vis, Barbara, Jaap Woldendorp & Hans Keman (2012), ‘Economic Performance and Institutions: Capturing the Dependent Variable’, European Political Science Review, 4(1): 73-96.
- Vis, Barbara (2011), ‘Prospect Theory and Political Decision-making’, Political Studies Review, 9(3): 334-343.
- Vis, Barbara, Kees van Kersbergen & Tom Hylands (2011), ‘To What Extent Did the Financial Crisis Intensify the Pressure to Reform the Welfare State?’, Social Policy & Administration, 45(4): 338-353.
- Vis, Barbara (2011), Under Which Conditions Does Spending on Active Labor Market Policies Increase? A FsQCA Analysis of 53 Governments between 1985 and 2003, European Political Science Review, 3(2): 229-252
- Web appendix
- Replication data [.csv file]
- Vis, Barbara (2009), The Importance of Socio-Economic and Political Losses and Gains in Welfare State Reform, Journal of European Social Policy, 19(5): 395-407 [web appendix].
- Vis, Barbara (2009), Governments and Unpopular Social Policy Reform: Biting the Bullet or Steering Clear?, European Journal of Political Research, 48(1): 31-57.
- Vis, Barbara (2008), The Direction and Scope of Social Policy Change: Regime Specific or Radical Shift Towards Workfare?, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 10(2): 151-169.
- Vis, Barbara, Kees van Kersbergen & Uwe Becker (2008) ,The Politics of Welfare State Reform in the Netherlands: Explaining a Never-
Ending Puzzle, Acta Politica , 43(2-3): 333-356.
- Vis, Barbara, Jaap Woldendorp & Hans Keman (2007), Do Miracles Exist? Analyzing Economic Performance Comparatively, Journal of Business Research, 60(5): 531-538.
- Vis, Barbara & Kees van Kersbergen (2007), Why and How Do Political Actors Pursue Risky Reforms?, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 19(2): 53-172.
- Vis, Barbara (2007), States of Welfare or States of Workfare? Welfare State Restructuring in 16 Advanced Capitalist Democracies, 1985-2002, Policy & Politics, 35(1): 105-122 [additional tables].
Contributions to Books (until 2020) (* indicates refereed)
- Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2020), ‘Social Acceleration and Social Investment’, in: Romana Careja, Patrick Emmenegger & Nathalie Giger (eds.), The European Social Model under Pressure: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Klaus Armingeon, Springer, pp. 177-191.
- Vis, Barbara (2018), ‘How to Analyze Welfare States and their Development?’, in: Bent Greve (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State (2nd edition), pp. 267-277. London and New York: Routledge..
- Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2017), ‘Algemeen Kiesrecht en de Verzorgingstaat’ (Universal Suffrage and the Welfare State) in Monique Leyenaar & Rudy Andeweg (eds.), 100-jaar Algemeen Kiesrecht in Nederland (100-year Universal Suffrage in the Netherlands). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 185-203.
- Vis, Barbara (2017), ‘Prospect Theory’, in Fathali Moghaddam (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, Sage, pp. 670-672.
- Vis, Barbara (2015), ‘Hans Daalder: Over de Invloed van het Totalitarisme, Inspiratie in en uit het Buitenland, en Biografieen’, in Rudy Andeweg & Barbara Vis (eds.), Politicologie in Nederland: Van Politisering naar Professionalisering (Political Science in the Netherlands: From Politics to Professionalism), Oudewater: NKWP, pp. 7-12.
- Vis, Barbara (2015), ‘Andries Hoogerwerf: De Politicologie als Verruimer van de Horizon’, in Rudy Andeweg & Barbara Vis (eds.), Politicologie in Nederland: Van Politisering naar Professionalisering (Political Science in the Netherlands: From Politics to Professionalism), Oudewater: NKWP, pp. 13-18.
- Vis, Barbara & Jaap Woldendorp (2015), ‘Same as it Ever Was? The (Lack of) Influence of European Integration on Corporatism in the Low Countries’. In: Hand Vollaard, Jan Beyers & Patrick Dumont (eds.), European Integration and Consensus Politics in the Low Countries. London: Routledge, pp. 155-172.
- You can find the chapter’s web appendix here.*
- Vis, Barbara (2013), ‘Fundamenteel Onderzoek voor de Publieke Zaak?! Wanneer Impopulaire Maatregelen te Nemen en hoe ermee Weg te Komen’ (
Fundamental Research for the Public Cause?! When to Take Impopular Measures and How to Get Away with it), in: van Genugten, Marieke, Honingh, Marlies & Trommel, Willem (eds.), Passie voor de Publieke Zaak (Passion for the Public Cause). Den Haag: Boom Lemma, pp. 19-36. - Vis, Barbara (2013), ‘How to Analyse Welfare States and their Development?’, in: Bent Greve (ed.), International Handbook of the Welfare State. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 274-282.
- Vis, Barbara, Kees van Kersbergen & Thomas Hylands (2012), ‘To What Extent Did the Financial Crisis Intensify the Pressure to Reform the Welfare State?’, in Bent Greve (ed.), The Times They Are Changing? Crisis and the Welfare State. Malden etc.: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 7-22.*
- Vis, Barbara (2011), Hervormingsbereidheid en Electoraal Risico (Willingness to Reform and Electoral Risk), in: Michiel Blom and Dirk Scheele (eds.), Het Profijt van Solidariteit: Draagvlak voor Herziening in het Stelsel van Werk en Inkomen (The Value of Solidarity: Support for Revisions in the System of Work and Income). The Hague: Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, pp.120-127.
- Vis, Barbara (2010), ‘Political Economy, Comparative’, in: George T. Kurian, James E. Alt, Simone Chambers, Geoffrey Garrett, Margaret Levi & Paula D. McClain (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Political Science. CQ Press, pp.1249-1250.
- Keman, Hans, Kees van Kersbergen & Barbara Vis (2006), Political Parties and New Social Risks: The Double Backlash against Social Democracy and Christian Democracy, in: Klaus Armingeon and Giuliano Bonoli (eds), The Politics of Post-Industrial Welfare States: Adapting Post-War Social Policies to New Social Risks. London and New York: Routledge, pp.27-51.
- Kees van Kersbergen & Barbara Vis (2006), Staat, Macht en Sociale Politiek: De Opbouw, Groei en Hervorming van de Nederlandse Welvaartsstaat, in: Uwe Becker and Philip van Praag (eds), Politicologie. Basisthema’s & Nederlandse Politiek . Apeldoorn, Antwerpen: Het Spinhuis, pp.296-321.
Conference Papers (selection, not up-to-date)
- Kevins, Anthony & Barbara Vis (2019), ‘When Do Citizens Blame Politicians? The Impact of Public Consultations’, Paper presented at the Dutch/Flemish Politicologenetmaal, Antwerp, Belgium, 13-14 June.
- Also presented at the meeting of the Experimental Design Group/Hot Politics Lab of the University of Amsterdam, 17 May, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Van der Velden, Mariken, Wouter van Atteveldt & Barbara Vis (2018), ‘Populist Communication Strategy or Great Communicator? Investigating Party Communication Strategy in Press Releases, the Netherlands 1997 – 2014’, Paper prepared for the ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 22-25 August.
- Stolwijk, Sjoerd & Barbara Vis (2018), ‘Political Decision Making and the Availability Heuristic’, Paper prepared for the 76th Annual MPSA Conference, Chicago, United States, 5-8 April.
- Stolwijk, Sjoerd & Barbara Vis (2017), ‘Do Politicians Use the Representativeness Heuristic?’, Paper presented at the NIG Annual Work Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 9-10 November.
- Schneider, Carsten, Barbara Vis & Kendra Koivu (2017), ‘Algorithmic Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis’, Report for the Qualitative Transparency Deliberations, Prepared for the APSA 2017 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States, 31 August-3 September.
- Vis, Barbara & Sjoerd Stolwijk (2017), ‘Using Elites to Study Elite Decision Making: Opportunities and Pitfalls’, Paper Prepared for the ECPR General Conference, Oslo, Norway, 6-9 September.
- Sjoerd Stolwijk & Barbara Vis (2017), ‘Do Political Elites Use Cognitive Heuristics Like the Rest of Us?’, Paper prepared for the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nottingham, UK (April 2017) and the IMEBESS conference in Barcelona, Spain (April
2017).- Also presented at the Dutch/Flemish Politicologenetmaal, Leiden, the Netherlands (June 2017) and at the ISPP Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, Scotland (June-July 2017).
- Vis, Barbara (2017), ‘Welfare State Ideal Types in a European Social Market Economy’, Paper prepared for the workshop “Conceptualizing a European Social Market Economy”, Utrecht, the Netherlands (9-10 February 2017).
OTHER PUBLICATIONS [incomplete; see CV for full list]
- Jacobs, Alan M., Tim Buthe, Ana M. Arjona, Leonardo R. Arriola, Eva Bellin, Andrew Bennett, Lisa Björkman, Erik Bleich, Zachary Elkins, Tasha Fairfield, Nikhar Gaikwad, Sheena Greitens, Mary Hawkesworth, Veronica Herrera, Yoshiko M. Herrera, Kimberly S. Johnson, Ekrem Karakoç, Kendra Koivu, Marcus Kreuzer, Milli Lake, Timothy W. Luke, Lauren Morris MacLean, Samantha Majic, Rahsaan Maxwell, Zachariah Mampilly, Robert Mickey, Kimberly J. Morgan, Sarah Parkinson, Craig Parsons, Wendy Pearlman, Mark A. Pollack, Elliot Posner, Rachel Riedl, Edward Schatz, Carsten Schneider, Jillian M. Schwedler, Anastasia Shesterinina, Erica Simmons, Diane Singerman, Hillel David Soifer, Nichloas Smith, Scott Spitzer, Jonas Tallberg, Susan Thomson, Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo, Barbara Vis, Lisa Wedeen, Juliet Williams, Elisabeth Jean Wood, Deborah Yashar (2019), Transparency in Qualitative Research: An Overview of Key Findings and Implications of the Deliberations (July 31, 2019). Available at SSRN.
- Schneider, Carsten, Barbara Vis & Kendra Koivu (2019), ‘Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)’, American Political Science Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Qualitative Transparency Deliberations, Working Group Final Reports, Report III.4 . Available at SSRN.
- Schneider, Carsten, Barbara Vis & Kendra Koivu (2019),’ Summary: Set-Analytic Approaches, Especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)’. American Political Science Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, Qualitative Transparency Deliberations, Working Group Final Reports, Report III.4S . Available at SSRN.
- De Block, Debora & Barbara Vis (2017), ‘Addressing the Challenges in Using Qualitative Data in Qualitative Comparative Analysis’, COMPASSS Working Paper, no. 2017-88. Available here.
- Linde, Jona & Barbara Vis (2017), ‘The Uncertainty of Welfare Retrenchment’s Electoral Consequences’, DaWS Working Paper Series, 2017-1. Available here.
- Vis, Barbara (2017), ‘Prospect Theory’, in Fathali Moghaddam (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, Sage, pp. 670-672.
- Vis, Barbara (2014), ‘Nik Brandal, Oivind, Bratberg and Dag Einar Thorsen, The Nordic Model of Social Democracy, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013’, West European Politics, 37(5), 1191-1192.
- Hemerijck, Anton, Verena Draebing, Barbara Vis, Moira Nelson & Menno Soentken (2013), ‘European Welfare States in Motion’, NEUJOBS Working Paper, D5.2/March 2013 (refereed).
- Koole, Karin & Barbara Vis (2012), ‘Working Mothers and the State: Under Which Conditions do Governments Spend Much on Maternal Employment Supporting Policies?’, COMPASSS WP Series, 2012-71 (refereed).
- Vis, Barbara (2012), ‘Politieke Barrieres op de Weg naar een Sociale Investeringsagenda’ (The Road to a Social Investment Agenda is Filled with Political Hurdles), B & M: Tijdschrift voor Politiek, Beleid en Maatschappij, 39(3): 354-356.
- Vis, Barbara (2011), ‘Is het Ontduiken van Schuld een Spel?’ (Is Blame Avoidance a Game?),B & M: Tijdschrift voor Politiek, Beleid en Maatschappij , 38(3): 360-365 (book review essay).
- Vis, Barbara (2011), ‘De Crisis: Redder van de Verzorgingsstaat?!’ (The Crisis Recues the Welfare State?!)’, Talmalezing 2011, Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam.
- Schumacher, Gijs & Barbara Vis (2010), ‘To Retrench or Not to Retrench: A Simulation of the Strategic Situation of Social Democratic Parties and the Emergence of Welfare State Retrenchment’, Working Paper Department of Political Science, VU University Amsterdam, No. 27 (2010/01).
- Hollanders, David & Barbara Vis (2009), Voters’ Commitment Problem and Welfare-Program Reforms, CentER Discussion Paper, No. 2009-93.
- Koole, Karin & Barbara Vis (2009). Verplicht Schoffelen Hoeft Alleen bij Lage Werkloosheid, Kennislink, 14 January 2009.
- Vis,
Barbara (2009), Peter Starke, Radical Welfare State Retrenchment: A Comparative Analysis, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, Journal of European Social Policy, 19(1): 93-94 (book review). - Van Kersbergen, Kees & Barbara Vis (2007), Verbinden als Machtspolitieke Opdracht, B & M: Tijdschrift voor Politiek, Beleid en Maatschappij, 34(2): 99-102.
- Vis, Barbara (2006), Francis G. Castles, The Future of the Welfare State. Crisis Myths and Crisis Realities, Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, Acta Politica, 41(4): 464-468 (book review).
- Vis, Barbara (2006), States of Welfare or States of Workfare? A Fuzzy-Set Ideal Type Analysis of Major Welfare State Restructuring in Sixteen Advanced Capitalist Democracies, 1985-2002, Compasss Working Paper, No. 2006-42.
All publications are available upon request